Maximizing Wealth Preservation: Estate Planning Strategies for High-Net-Worth Couples

For affluent couples with substantial assets, preserving wealth for future generations while minimizing tax liabilities is a top priority. In this blog post, we’ll explore estate planning strategies tailored to a hypothetical couple with a net worth of $30 million, three children, and nine grandchildren, aiming to avoid paying estate taxes and ensure a seamless transfer of wealth to their heirs.

Understanding the Challenge: Estate Tax Considerations

With a sizable estate exceeding the federal estate tax exemption threshold (currently $12.06 million per individual in 2022), this couple faces potential estate tax liabilities upon their passing. Without proper planning, a significant portion of their wealth could be subject to estate taxes, reducing the inheritance received by their heirs.

Strategic Estate Planning Solutions:

  1. Maximizing Use of the Estate Tax Exemption:
    • Each spouse can utilize their individual estate tax exemption to shield assets from estate taxes. By leveraging portability provisions, the couple can effectively double their estate tax exemption to $24.12 million, significantly reducing potential tax liabilities.
  2. Implementing Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs):
    • The couple can establish ILITs to hold life insurance policies, effectively removing the death benefit proceeds from their taxable estate. Life insurance proceeds can provide liquidity to cover estate tax liabilities while preserving the family’s wealth for future generations.
  3. Utilizing Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs):
    • SLATs allow each spouse to gift assets to an irrevocable trust for the benefit of the other spouse, children, and grandchildren. By funding SLATs with appreciating assets, such as real estate or closely held business interests, the couple can remove future appreciation from their taxable estate while providing for their heirs.
  4. Establishing Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs):
    • GRATs enable the couple to transfer assets to their children or grandchildren while retaining an annuity payment for a specified term. Any appreciation in excess of the annuity payments passes to the beneficiaries free of gift and estate taxes, effectively leveraging the family’s wealth transfer potential.
  5. Implementing Lifetime Gifting Strategies:
    • The couple can strategically gift assets to their children and grandchildren, leveraging annual gift tax exclusions ($15,000 per individual recipient in 2022) and lifetime gift tax exemptions to gradually transfer wealth while minimizing tax consequences.

Case Studies:

  • The Smith Family’s Estate Plan: By combining ILITs, SLATs, and lifetime gifting strategies, the Smiths successfully shield a significant portion of their $30 million estate from estate taxes, ensuring a tax-efficient transfer of wealth to their children and grandchildren.


For high-net-worth couples, proactive estate planning is essential to protect assets, minimize tax liabilities, and preserve wealth for future generations. By implementing a comprehensive estate plan tailored to their specific circumstances, this hypothetical couple can navigate estate tax challenges effectively and leave a lasting legacy for their heirs. With professional guidance and careful consideration of available strategies, affluent families can achieve their estate planning objectives and secure financial peace of mind for generations to come.

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Michiel Laubscher & Laubscher Wealth Management LLC is not an investment advisor and is not licensed to sell securities. None of the information provided is intended as investment, tax, accounting, or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or as an endorsement, of any company, security, fund, or other offerings. The information should not be relied upon for purposes of transacting securities or other investments. Your use of the information contained herein is at your own risk. The content is provided ‘as is’ and without warranties, either expressed or implied. Michiel Laubscher & Laubscher Wealth Management LLC does not promise or guarantee any income or specific result from using the information contained herein and is not liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on the information contained herein. Always seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, or other content.


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